we minde at the sence of human, and this is why you will always here my voice talking about the almighty GOD. even if we do what we shall face death and be returned to him,remember the good thing you do thats your discription and obviousely GOD pays you,like wise the wrong thing you do you will be judged. we did not create our selves neither are we responsible for our breathing ,GOD gave us life on a free basis no body paid GOD for his living. Then we should always think twice before doing evil,as you know our souls always directs us to evill and the devil is always against a humanbeing. And this is the main reason why we are recomended to know GOD and read a bout him in all ways,and thats the reason we are here for you. Lets share together knowledge a bout GOD and his creation and his predestination. for more information and more religious lectures subscribe here ...