Un productive minds and negative thoughts@arrowsrecordsandstudiose.com

Here your always left in space,where by you wil always go with the wrong answers. Instead of thinking postively,your always imagining and regreting the life you were given and this is what we call [building castles in the air]like you say if i was this,i would be this. Un productive minds are negative thoughts that can not bring in any meaning neither an archievment in human life. Here i simply mean useless thoughts where by you will never find any way through not even asolution in solving your problems. You spend alot of time thinking un neccesarily forgeting working,alot of useless conversations can easily bring that un productive mind situation. Couses Of Unproductive Minds And Negative Thoughts 1 The love for making evil most of your times,then you find being controlled by the devil yet the devil is a lier and your enemy. 2 keeping most of your times with un productive people who can not bring anything into your life. 3 Poor time manegment ,here if your not panctual then your heading to unproductive mind set. 4 Lack of enough information a bout who your and why you were created. 5 Poverty can also bring situation ,since your always idol and jobless and then you end up thinking negatively. 6 The effect of nutrition problems. Proper Ways To Over Come This Situation 1 stop being in evil places ,this will help you realise the presence of GOD. 2 Start working and making your self bussy to a void idolness and being jobless. 3 Avoid overthinking and putting alot of questions on your table, know what is important for you and what belongs to you. 4 Look at areas that are so streesful to you and then adjust imidiatly,this will help you to manage your stress zone. 5 Have a beliefe and work upon that belife, but before that you also need a religion to lean on and put all your trust in GOD. 6 Create agoal in your life and look at your limitations in archieving those goals. 7 Train being a job craeter rather than being a job seeker,this will give you aroom to alwys think postive. 8 Create a time table for your life. for more lectures subscribe here https://youtube.com/c/arrowsrecordsandstudioseallseasons100 you can also visit our blogsites down here https://www.kanzirarecords.blogspot.com https://www.badrukaneza.blogspot.com https://www.arrowsrecordsandstudiose.blogspot.com arrowsrecordsandedutainment.com kanzirarecords@instagram.com arrowsrecordsandstudiose@facebook.com rusikizandekye@reddit.com


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