Here your always left in space,where by you wil always go with the wrong answers. Instead of thinking postively,your always imagining and regreting the life you were given and this is what we call [building castles in the air]like you say if i was this,i would be this. Un productive minds are negative thoughts that can not bring in any meaning neither an archievment in human life. Here i simply mean useless thoughts where by you will never find any way through not even asolution in solving your problems. You spend alot of time thinking un neccesarily forgeting working,alot of useless conversations can easily bring that un productive mind situation. Couses Of Unproductive Minds And Negative Thoughts 1 The love for making evil most of your times,then you find being controlled by the devil yet the devil is a lier and your enemy. 2 keeping most of your times with un productive people who can not bring anything into your life. 3 Poor time manegment ,here if your not panctual ...